Changes and my beauty article!

Monday, April 09, 2012 Sidrah!!!! 6 Comments

Hey everyone!
It’s been what it seems forever since I've done a meaningful post. I miss doing reviews and tutorials and I want to get back into doing them but there have been changes going on with me so it’s been difficult to actually sit down and do them.
So if you have noticed my blog has been publishing more event and fashion related posts, this is because I have started working at a PR company called Voila. It’s a really new PR firm that started about 8 months ago and their clientele is definitely increasing day by day. So I was hired because the CEO loved my blog and wanted content developed in the same way as I have been producing for my blog.
This has been such a calling for me, I love writing and I'm sure you all can tell my blog has meant the world to me. I love writing about the latest makeup tips and whatnot and doing it for a living. OH YES! I couldn’t pass up the offer so it’s been a week since I have been working there. We are working on a blog for the company, with event updates that I will be the "blog ambassador" for. Check it out here. That along with publishing articles for different newspapers and today was my first article that was published! It was for the Daily Times.
The firm recently got Cinnabon as a client and we have planned a bloggers meet up on the 11th of April at Dolman City Mall, Clifton in Karachi, it will be from 5-7pm so let me know in the comments if you are interested in attending! We picked out 10 bloggers that I recommended so if I missed you then let me know ok!

So I do hope you all will still stay with me and support the changes on my blog. I will still be doing product reviews, I honestly haven't recieved any PR samples for a long time now and it has to be the pathetic postal system here. I am planning on buying a few makeup goodies since summer is literally melting off all of my makeup!
Thank you all so much for sticking around and supporting me!

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  1. Wow so happy for you :) keep up the good work .

  2. congratssss girl .. u truly deserve it ... best wishes :)

  3. That is fantastic! Congratulations! <3 Looking forward to the meet up today! Its going to be awesome =)

  4. Congratzzz.. keep up the good work :)
