
[Haul] AliExpress Jewlery

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 Sidrah Beauty 0 Comments

It's all about chokers these days, and once a trend hits it's all over the market. I've been trying to find a few unique pieces since I love this trend and finding a white choker in Karachi is nearly impossible! So I ordered a few from AliExpress during their Black Friday sale and I wanted to share them with you all. 

Since I bought these during the sale my total for everything was about $7! If you're looking to buy directly from the site, I suggest getting a UBL internet Wiz card since it works smoothly on the site. 

These chokers are all made out of really soft material. Exactly the same as you would find them in the market! 

The Black set was exactly what I was looking for. The style is so retro and goth, love it! 

I bought everything from this store, they usually change prices from time to time. Also it took about a month and a half for my order to arrive!